Ultra Dragon Ball Wiki
This article is about a form referred to as the "legendary Super Saiyan". For other forms thought to be the Super Saiyan of legend, see Legendary Super Saiyan (disambiguation).

"He's changing into the same kind of dirty animal that devastated my people! But it makes no sense, there needs to be a full moon for this transformation to happen!"
Baby in "Back in the Game"

Golden Great Ape (黄金大猿 Ōgon Ōzaru, lit. "Great Golden Monkey"), Golden Oozaru, or sometimes called Super Great Ape (超大猿 Chō Ōzaru, lit. "Super Great Monkey"), is an alternative and far stronger type of Great Ape. The transformation is first seen in Dragon Ball Z when Vegeta is telling the story of the Super Saiyan of legend. It reappears in Dragon Ball GT when Goku turns into the form before transforming to Super Saiyan 4. It is the result of a Saiyan in Great Ape form becoming a Super Saiyan.

According to the Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File and Vegeta's filler flashback in Dragon Ball Z, this form appears to be the Legendary Super Saiyan spoken of in Saiyan lore, as like the Super Saiyan spoken of in the legends this form exists solely for destruction and slaughter.


Golden Great Ape

Golden Great Ape Goku

This state is attained by Saiyans who have a tail, along with the ability to become a Super Saiyan.[2] By looking at either a full moon or a full planetary body (sunlight reflected from a planet also generates Blutz Waves, as Goku used the "full Earth" to transform) the Saiyan can transform. As the user is essentially a Super Saiyan Great Ape, their fur is golden-colored and stands on end, similar to a Super Saiyan's spiky hair, but the user's appearance is identical to that of a regular Great Ape regardless (with the exception of Great Ape Baby, whose blue-colored eyes are possibly a result of Baby's mutation with Vegeta's body). Additionally, a golden, crackling aura is sometimes visible around the user.

According to FUNimation, Super Saiyan 3 is necessary to achieve this form.[6] This was only stated in the FUNimation Dub and is never stated or implied in the original Japanese version. Furthermore, the Vegeta that exists in the main Dragon Ball GT timeline does not possess the Super Saiyan 3 form, but he still possesses the ability to transform into the Golden Great Ape and Super Saiyan 4 forms.

Usage and Power[]

The power of the Golden Great Ape multiplies many fold, far surpassing that of a Great Ape in all areas. The form is also more powerful than the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. While in this state, the power and strength of a Saiyan increase drastically and keeps growing. They have the same abilities as the Great Ape, only even more powerful and destructive, and their rage's peak goes so high, that they can cause major destruction. In Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha - Ora to Omee to Scouter, Golden Great Ape Baby is around 1.2x stronger than Super Baby 2.

Their berserk condition also increases to the point of becoming uncontrollable; in this state, Goku was more than a match for Baby but was unable to focus on fighting him. Vegeta, while still infected by Baby, transformed into a Golden Great Ape and could use ki blast attacks while in this state. Pure breed Saiyans (such as Goku and Vegeta) that unlock this form and are capable of either obtaining or retaining their consciousness of their identity, thus controlling their powers as well, can use this form to achieve the level of Super Saiyan 4. Vegeta - who had complete control over his standard Great Ape form - acknowledged that he could not become a Super Saiyan 4 when he first changed into a Golden Great Ape due to being controlled by Baby at the time and thus being part Tuffle, and during the Shadow Dragon Saga proved to be able to overcome the berserk state of the form and ascend to Super Saiyan 4 shortly after.

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Yamoshi rampages in this state

In an anime filler visual, Yamoshi is depicted as utilizing the Golden Great Ape form.

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Cumber turns Great Ape on the Prison Planet

Cumber uses this form during his battle with Vegito in the Prison Planet Saga of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, taking the form in an attempt to gain an advantage over Vegito's Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken. His transformation is later disrupted by Super Fu, who uses Surprise Blade (infused with a Power Ball) to revert the Saiyan to his base form.


Great Ape Baby faces Pan and Super Saiyan 4 Goku

This form is first displayed in full by Goku in the Baby Saga of Dragon Ball GT where he uses it by staring at the "full Earth" after regaining his tail, subsequently overwhelming Strongest Form 2 Baby Vegeta until Pan manages to get him to regain his sense - transforming him into Super Saiyan 4. Baby Vegeta himself uses the form thanks to the Blutz Wave Generator created by Bulma to battle Super Saiyan 4 Goku, but loses when the latter achieves Super Full Power Saiyan 4.

During the Shadow Dragon Saga, Vegeta attains this form - and thanks to his royal heritage and control over the state immediately becomes a Super Saiyan 4.


Techniques and Special Abilities[]

  • Flight - Depending on who the user is, Golden Great Apes can levitate like other fighters.
  • Ki-Based Attacks - Depending on who the user is, Golden Great Apes are able to use ki-based blasts. Baby could use ki-based blasts in the Golden Great Ape state because of the elite level Vegeta holds.
  • Rush Attacks - They can also attack their opponents by inflicting high physical damage.
  • Mouth Energy Wave - One of the Golden Great Ape's most commonly used techniques. The Golden Great Ape fires mouth energy waves. It is unknown if the blast waves from the Golden Great Ape can be strengthened like the Ki-based techniques.
  • Fire Breath - Like the normal Great Apes, they can use this ability. The Golden Great Ape user fires a gigantic blaze that severely incinerates the surrounding area and any foes within it. Golden Great Ape Goku's version is called Super Flame Cannon (超火炎砲 Chō Kaenhō) in Dragon Ball Heroes.
  • Angry Shout - The Golden Great Ape can let out fierce screams which can shatter and destroy the surrounding environment and blow away foes.
  • Crushing in Hands - Like the normal Great Apes, they can crush someone's bones with their hands.
    • Désastre Compress - A stronger version of Crushing in Hands used by Golden Great Ape Cumber in Dragon Ball Heroes.
  • Speed - Depending on who the user is, Golden Great Apes can be faster than some other giants.
  • Other Techniques - Depending on who the user is, they could also perform other actions that a human-sized fighter would do.

Video Game Appearances[]


Golden Great Ape Gogeta in Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu was going to feature Golden Great Apes but they were not implemented, though portraits for Golden Great Ape Gohan and Golden Great Ape Vegeta exist in the game files.[4] This would have been the first full appearance of a Golden Great Ape, predating Dragon Ball GT.

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout features Great Ape Baby as the final boss. In the game, he is taller than the screen, usually only visible from his waist down. His mouth blast, ultimate attack, and other ki attacks only hit if his opponent is in the air. Also, he is playable with the use of an external cheat device.

In Dragon Ball GT: Transformation, players are given a very brief time to control Goku's Golden Great Ape form, and the final boss is Golden Great Ape Baby.

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Great Ape Baby's alternate color

Golden Great Ape Baby appears as a playable character in the fighting games Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Golden Great Ape Baby appears as a boss in Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi

Golden Great Ape Goku and Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta appear in Dragon Ball Heroes, with Golden Great Ape Gogeta makes his debut in Jaaku Mission 8 as the last set. All three are bosses and playable transformations for Goku, Gogeta & Baby. Golden Great Ape Goku and Great Ape Baby are fought along with Great Ape King Vegeta as a trio in the New Battle Saga. Additionally, Golden Great Ape Goku appears as a standalone SP card, and Broly's Golden Great Ape equivalent form also appears as a playable character and boss fight in the game.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, as part of the GT Pack 1 DLC Golden Great Ape Baby appears as a boss character while Golden Great Ape Goku makes a vocal cameo appearance in the GT Saga Part 1 story though does not appear physically.

In Dragon Ball Fusions, Broly's Golden Great Ape equivalent form appears as a boss with his transformation being caused by Towa after she and Mira are inadvertently summoned to the Timespace Rift by Tekka's Team who manage to defeat Great Ape Broly. Later, Ultra Pinich uses a Power Ball to transform into his Great Ape form which is Golden Great Ape by default because Ultra Pinich stayed in Super Saiyan form. Tekka's Team manage to defeat Great Ape Ultra Pinich.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Golden Great Ape Baby returns as a boss character though he plays no role in the main story.

"A golden costume modeled after a Saiyan who has absorbed over 17 million zenos of Blutz Waves from a powerful light source."
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Golden Great Ape Suit description
"A golden hat and Great Ape tail modeled after a Saiyan who has absorbed over 17 million zenos of Blutz Waves from a powerful light source."
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Great Ape Hat & Tail description

As part of an update, the Future Warrior can obtain an outfit called the Golden Great Ape Suit (Upper Body, Lower Body, Hands, and Feet) which can be obtained as a completion reward during certain Raid Quests. Alternatively, after unlocking Kid Gohan and/or Nappa's Special costumes for Partner Customization, the Future Warrior can give them gifts to receive a random piece of the suit. Additionally, there is also a companion accessory called Golden Great Ape Hat & Tail which the Future Warrior can also obtain as a completion reward during the same Raid Quests that the suit is obtained in or randomly received by giving gifts to Kid Gohan as Nappa randomly gives the Golden Scounter instead of the Hat & Tail accessory. Both the suit and accessory are essentially metallic golden recolors of the Great Ape Suit and Great Ape Hat & Tail. The suit and accessory are essentially a costume that can be worn by all races and genders. If the Super Saiyan 3 transformation is used the Hat and Tail accessory will disappear during the transformation.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission allows any custom character to be transformed into Golden Great Ape Goku with the Battle-Hungry Great Ape, Hulking Great Ape or Terrifying Great Ape accessories, or Great Ape Baby with the Ruinous Great Ape accessory.

In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Baby's second Meteor move has him transform into this state via Blutz Wave saturation. Depending on if he has teammates left or not, Great Ape Baby will either beat the enemy senseless, of blast them full on with Super Galick Gun. Great Ape Baby also appears in Baby's win animation.


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Goku as both a Super Saiyan and a Great Ape in the Dr. Slump remake

  • When Goku transforms into a Great Ape in the 1997 Dr. Slump remake, Goku is briefly seen as a Super Saiyan/Great Ape hybrid during the transformation.



  1. Baby's version only, in Dragon Ball GT episode 36, "The Tuffle Gorilla Attacks!"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Anime Insider December 2003 (#10), "The QT on GT"
  3. 3.0 3.1 In Dragon Ball Z episode 66, "Goku's New Power", Vegeta notes that the Original Super Saiyan could only maintain his Super Saiyan power in the Great Ape transformation, unlike Goku - who Vegeta at the time believed may have had the power of Super Saiyan in his untransformed state.
  4. 4.0 4.1 https://tcrf.net/Dragon_Ball_Z:_Super_Saiya_Densetsu
  5. Dragon Ball Fusions, 2016
  6. Anime Insider December 2003 (#10), "The QT on GT"

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