Ultra Dragon Ball Wiki

Superior Saiyans (優れたサイヤ人 Sugureta Saiya-Jin) are the primary inhabitants of Planet Ishfu and are well known as amongst the most intellectually advanced branch of Saiyan races. Like many branches they're descended from the Ancient Saiyans, however, they alone are direct descendants of the the Super Saiyan God, Yamoshi.

Superior Saiyans are a rather unique branch, forgoing their Eclipsed nature and embracing the power granted to them as descendants of Yamashi. However, due to certain events, they sealed this power away, leaving behind only Super Saiyan in their arsenal.



Planet Ishfu has gone through two major eras of change since the arrival of the Saiyans and seems to be on the cusp of a third. In the beginning, (102 Yrs Before Age) it was at its most diverse. In terms of its creatures and its vegetation, very few could compare to the beauty this planet held. For over three hundred years (102 Yrs Before Age - Age 253) the planet flourished with its new inhabitants, their divine energy enriching the planet itself. However, due to a near conflict with their sister race a deal was struck and the major powers of both races were sealed away, leading to a new era for the planet.

From here the once prosperous planet of Ishfu began to see its resources taken advantage of. With the sealing of their divine power, their civilization was changed in an instant, leading to a more technological era for their race. As the years passed on (Age 253 - Central Age 357 (366 Years)) more and more of the planet transformed from dense forests and flowing rivers to a sea of sand and decreasing biodiversity. The Saiyan's lust for knowledge and advancement leads to the crippling of their ecosystem. Eventually, not even they could deny the mistreatment of their planet as the atmosphere itself became unbreathable and the weather, unpredictable. This led them to establish domed cities in which they could take refuge from the harsh world they'd created. Realizing this the leaders of the Saiyans advocated for a new program, one to save their withering planet.

The implementation of Project Occasio Swarm began the planet's steps into a new era, one not of destruction but not necessarily one of healing either. This massive undertaking involved not only the Planet but its nearest star, Occasio, as well. Through the channeling of Occasio's solar energy via a Dyson Swarm the Saiyans no longer required the resources of their planet. At this point, however, it seemed as though the planet could no longer fully recover. While the atmosphere became breathable once again this wasn't through natural means. The forests that once created fresh breathable air were no more and despite the Saiyan's efforts, no flora would grow.

This resulted in grander and more advanced means to guarantee their livelihood. One of these measures being The Veil, an energy-based shield that envelopes the planet, allowing an atmosphere to culminate while also providing a necessary defensive layer against external threats.


In Superior Saiyan society, both power and intelligence are important and are highly respected in each field. A Saiyan of high intelligence cannot be compared to someone with high battle power, nor viscera as each is respected in their own right.

Superior Saiyan Culture is very advanced and possesses an government similar to democracy. Each Saiyan is given universal rights that must be respected and the people are given the power to choose for themselves who they wish to have as a leader. In this regard, the leader can be compared to a Prime Minister rather than a King. The people of Ishfu live their lives with a lot more complexity than their ancestors. Where the Ancient Saiyans would primarily possess Warrior-types, the Superior Saiyan's possess a higher ratio of civilians. This change allowed for their society to grow and as their intelligence increased so too did the opportunities outside of combat.

Military Force

Superior Saiyans have a powerful military force known as the Stellar Forces. As it stands there are currently 4 official branches of military recognized by the Superior Saiyans; The Galactic Armada, Sentry Forces, Continental Guard and the Capital Guard. Most of these branches are assigned the primary task of protecting its people while others are designed for more offensive combat. While these divisions are branches of military they can be seen as layers with one holding more standing above another.

Galactic Armada

As the highest branch within the Stellar Forces this division is subject to the responsibility of intercepting any and all known threats entering their galaxy. As a major factor in the safety of their race this branch possesses some of the most powerful warriors within the Stellar Forces and nearly half of its total combatants. The Galactic Armada is joint operated with the cooperation of their sister race's own military force, The Eclipsed Company. As it stands the primary enemy of both these factions are the Seven Dragon Lords and their kin.

More information as to the inner mechanics of this branch will be expanded upon at a later time...

Sentry Forces

Unlike the Galactic Armada the Sentry Forces primary task is protection. Within the Sentry Forces there are two sub-division, the Lunar Force and the Solar Force, each assigned a different point of defense. The Lunar Force is stationed on the moon and is the first primary defense of the planet. If any force is able to make it passed the Galactic Armada then its the Lunar Forces responsibility to safeguard their people.

Alternatively, the Solar Force is tasked with the protection of their nearest star, Occasio, and by extension, the Occasio Swarm. As the Occasio Swarm is the Superior Saiyan's primary influx of power, it's imperative that the dyson swarm is maintained, otherwise its could have disastrous effects. In total, the Sentry Forces make up around a quarter of their militaries total combatants.

Continental Guard

This branch is in charge of maintaining the peace amongst its citizens and are stationed across each of the three continents and both the north and south poles of the planet. Outside of maintaining order its secondary objective is to train new recruits. Taking place at each of the two poles the recruits begin their training young and are brought up to become powerful warriors. Those with greater potential are allowed to train on the Orbital Academy.

Capital Guard

This last force is responsible for protecting the capital city and the Prime Minister that lives within the confines of the city.


Civilian Class

Civilian Class are the most common amongst all types of Superior Saiyans. Statistically, they make up nearly 90% of their race. This classification is noted for their comparatively low aptitude for battle and a rather basic compatibility rating to Synthetic S-Cells. However, it would be unwise to underestimate this classification. They're only ranked the lowest for combat when compared within their own race, but if they were to be compared to the likes of those born on Planet Vegeta, they would be considered far beyond the Elite.

Warrior Class

Warrior Class are the second most common, making up just under 10% of all Superior Saiyans. Their aptitudes for battle is extremely high and even greater is their compatibility to Synthetic S-Cells. These Saiyans are taken into the military since birth and raised to become warriors unlike few could compare. As exceptional warriors amongst an exceptional race it's no question that their power far exceeds almost anything the previous branches of Saiyan could achieve.

As a showing of their power this class is distinguished for its unique usage of the Super Saiyan transformation, one that brings pride to their race, Superior Super Saiyan.

Anomalous Class

Anomalous Class, put simply, is a conglomeration making up under 0.01% of the entire race. This classification has no set "standard" for power, rather, being the exception to nearly all previous set parameters used to classify them. Some hold great power while others do not. Some boast exceptional compatibility to artificial S-Cells, while others are incapable of their usage. And even more than that some have even shown the ability to go beyond what was believed to be limit of power, without the need for transforming at all.

And amongst them even lies the most fearsome of all the classes, the Legendary Super Saiyan.


Vestiges of War

A Peace Treaty

Divine Demarcation

Technological Revolution

More to be added soon...


Physical Appearance

Superior Saiyans possess an oddity of pigmentation, while most other Full-Blooded branches of Saiyans keep to the standard of black hair and black eyes, the Superior Saiyans differ slightly. While their eyes have remained black their hair has changed notably from the times of the Ancient Saiyans, becoming brown on coloration. Even the darkest of hair can still be clearly identified as brown with only a few exceptions to this rule. These Saiyans commonly have short hair, however, in the case that their hair is beyond 9 inches the style will shift from spiky to a more flowy appearance. Though not regularly seen, Superior Saiyans can grow facial hair but since this takes years to develop many will cut it off before it can grow to any significant length.

This race is known for their slim and concise builds, a product of their races' innate nature to refine and condition their Ki within their bodies as well as another factor. Superior Saiyans have the longest life-span of any other Saiyan race with the age of a hundred and fifty to still be considered 'young' to them. Superior Saiyans, contrary to Eclipsed Saiyans, adapt slowly to their environment and normally use their technology to aid them in this task. 

Superior Saiyans, just as all Saiyans do, will naturally grow stronger as they age.



Superior Saiyans have long lost their tails through their own evolution, meaning that they can no longer access the Oozaru state.

Vascular System

As descendants of the Super Saiyan God Race the Superior Saiyans seem to have inherited an incredibly rare and useful vascular system, that being a Binary-Vascular-System, this meaning that their blood vessels lead to two hearts. These two hearts will beat at slightly different times, offset by only a few milliseconds in order to maximize the efficiency of the vascular system. Due to this doubling of the stroke volume their cardiac output would also double thanks to more oxygen being delivered to their muscles and toxins being taken away faster. If one heart were to, for some reason, stop functioning then the other heart would pick up the slack caused by this, though their cardiac output would decrease due to this.


Unlike all other Saiyans, Superior Saiyans aren't warm-blooded instead, being cold-blooded. This change in their blood composition is believed to be caused by Synthetic S-Cells forcefully changing its surroundings. Due to them being poikilothermic, they must use outside means to regulate their body temperature as their body can't do this on their own. They also possess a special protein that acts similarly to antifreeze in order to keep them above freezing level. Though possessing plenty of flaws it also possesses many advantages. One of those being that they don't require as much food as other Saiyans as they don't require as much energy as those with warm blood. This efficiency can be seen by their size shrinking in comparison to other Saiyan races.

Energy Manipulation

Superior Saiyans possess a remarkable affinity for Ki and when considering their innate Ki alone, they have an advantage over their sister race, the Eclipsed Saiyans. Through their Super Saiyan forms a Saiyan of this race can gain more control over their Ki, the higher the stage of transformation the greater amounts of Ki they're able to harness and utilize. Superior Saiyans possess incredibly high stamina and will usually gain Ki while fighting rather than lose it. Generally, unless they're faced with an enemy vastyl stronger than them they're able to outlast their opponent.

Many have noted that they possess a Ki Signature more closely resembling Saiyans of 6th Universe than any other in their universe, yet, with notable differences. One of these differences is quite apparent as their Ki seems to possess an almost magnetic property. For most beings once releasing their Ki from their bodies that energy is unable to properly return to its user. Even those with incredible control over their Ki are only able to manipulate it externally but never able to regain that lost energy once being expelled, however, this isn't the case for Superior Saiyans. For them, expelling their energy has no net loss in the long term as no matter how long it may take their Ki will always return to them. The greater control a Superior Saiyan has over their Ki the faster it returns to them. Death is the only known reason for a Saiyan to be unable to reabsorb their expelled energy, and in some cases, not even that can stop it.


Through some effort even a baby can learn to fly at a young age, quickly gaining the ability to fly at supersonic speeds. It's believed that if it weren't for the intense levels of gravity of the planet they would develop their flight even faster.


The weakest classification of these Saiyan, the Civilian Class, are still far beyond the Super-Elite of the Saiyans originating from Planet Vegeta. Warrior types are easily comparable to that of Eclipsed Saiyans in terms of destructive capability.

Though training, Superior Saiyans can reach higher levels of power through their unique Super saiyan forms. A Superior Saiyan can continuously gain power during a fight but won't gain any power up after the fight, this is thought to be due to the loss of their tails but this is unknown. Strength and intelligence are both equal in the eyes of a Superior Saiyan.

Speed and Agility

Superior Saiyans are naturally agile and are capable of moving at an incredible speed. If a Saiyan of the Eclipsed and the Superior species were to race with equal power level, the Superior Saiyan's speed would be faster. This principle is only heightened with their transformations.

Durability and Endurance

Saiyans possess enormous amounts of superhuman durability and are a remarkably resilient species, who refuse to be physically broken. Even as children, Saiyans are easily capable of taking on bullets, explosions, or sharpened objects and come out relatively unharmed. Even while unconscious and in their base form, a Saiyan is capable of surviving re-atmospheric reentries with no negative effect on their bodies.

Though Superior Saiyans aren't in anyway invincible, as proven by their battles with the Remnants. Though Superior Saiyans possess high stamina if they are to be harmed it will take a very long time(in terms of a battle) to heal, especially in comparison to a Eclipsed Saiyan.  If a Saiyan lets his guard down, no matter how powerful, this will cause the Saiyan to become vulnerable to surprise attacks.


Amount all the varying types of Saiyan races, the Superior Saiyans possess the highest average IQ than any other and thanks to this they have made highly advanced technological and scientific advancements. An example of this would be the creation of Synthetic S-Cells, which when injected into a Superior Saiyan will result in exponential growth in power. If they were to be compared to any race throughout the universe then only the Tuffles would possess intelligence remotely close to a Superior Saiyan. Superior Saiyan seem to all possess remarkable memory or rather a photographic memory.


Superior Saiyan possesses the most moderate appetite out of all the Saiyans, though still more than humans. Superior Saiyans have been known to go months without eating real food and just survive off of supplements. Superior Saiyans import their food from their Eclipsed counterparts.

Aging, Lifespan, and Growth

Superior Saiyan possesses the longest life span of any other Saiyan race, being able to live roughly 800 years old and still maintain their health, performance, and appearance just as other Saiyans. Superior Saiyans won't reach physical maturity until the age of 20. Superior Saiyans are a prime case of gender dimorphism in which the average female is taller than that of the male, males averaging at about 5'1" and female as roughly 5'6". While this might seem like a rather small parameter the likelihood of a Superior Saiyan falling anywhere outside of this range is considered outlandish.

A main theory behind Superior Saiyans short stature and extremely long lifespans is believed to be accounted to the fact that their descendants of the Super Saiyan God Race, making their physiology more close to that of a kai.


Superior Saiyans have evolved so exponentially that they can no longer mate with Saiyans of the Eclipsed branch as they both evolved too drastically for cross breeding to occur successfully. While they can't mate with Eclipsed Saiyans they can mate with Modern Saiyans, Tuffles, Humans, and Saiyans from Universe 6, but the last two have yet to be shown.

Superior Saiyans take procreation in a more scientific way than any other Saiyan. The Superior Saiyans won't actually "mate" in a common way but will take genetic material from both parents and combine them. The process will last for three years in which both parents will go about their lives. Though this might seem odd this process of procreation is done to rid the hindrance of creating the baby within the mother's womb for three years as this would greatly affect their day to day lives.

On a rare occasion, a Superior Saiyan will be asked to donate their reproductive cells in order to create a being of a higher caliber. This is normally only done for those with either great power or great intelligence who haven't found a mate or decide not to mate. This is to ensure that these higher abilities are passed down to the next generation.


Superior Saiyans don't really have much of a connection to their offspring for a number of reasons and this will most likely stay this way until the offspring can prove themselves to their parents. Though the parents might not be too connected to their child they are, in fact, greatly connected to each other. A Superior Saiyan won't always mate for life, as Eclipsed Saiyans do, but they still hold a great bond between each other since they are given the chance to choose for themselves who they mate with, granting them the same level of social freedom as Humans.


These Saiyans seem to be the most disconnected from their natural senses and have been considered even weaker than that of a Human. Though this drawback is substantial, Superior Saiyan makes up for it with their technology.


Super Saiyan

This transformation is very uncommon and can only be utilized by civilian Superior Saiyan. This transformation though still isn't anything to mock as it does grant the user a fifty times ease of accessing to their Ki. This can also be evolved into Super Saiyan 2 and 3.

Ceelè - Superior Super Saiyan

Superior Super Saiyan

Superior Super Saiyan is an exclusive form for the Superior Saiyan race as this form can only be brought about by the introduction of Synthetic S-Cells into the Saiyans body. This form grants a hundred times more access to the users KI. This form also has higher evolutions just as the normal Super Saiyan form does.

Super Saiyan God

This form is shared with their Modern counterparts and can be achieved the same way as they could. This form possesses the same multiplier as a normal Saiyan would as this form is a constant.

Super Saiyan Vermillion

Super Saiyan Vermilion

A mutated variant of the standard Super Saiyan God transformation. A state achieved when the Saiyan Tomura was learning to harness the power of God Ki, unknown to anyone the divine energy had an unforeseen effect on her biology, resulting in a form vastly more powerful than that of Super Saiyan God.

Super Saiyan God: Superior Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan Blue

This form can theoretically be achieved by a Superior Saiyan who hasn't received Synthetic S-Cells but this has never been shown.

Superior Blue

Once a Superior Saiyan with Synthetic S-Cells masters Super Saiyan God; by transforming into their Superior Super Saiyan form they can access a form more powerful than Super Saiyan Blue, called Super Saiyan God Superior Super Saiyan or Superior Blue for short. 

Super Saiyan Viridian

Super Saiyan Viridian + Aura

A state of divinity exclusive to the Legend of the Superior Saiyans. By flooding their S-Cells with Godly Energy they undergo a change not seen in any other. Their hair shifts, become a godly shade of viridian, their eyes a tempered gold with an additional white iris within her pupil. Her ears become almost elf-like with the end coming to a point yet also presenting a rounded edge on the underside. Unlike ordinary god forms this transformation increases her height and size noticeably, growing nearly a whole foot.

Her godly aura is a harmony of gold that strongly clings to her body, however, viridian flames can be seen when she's taken on damage. These flames seem to greatly amplify her healing capabilities.

Super Saiyan Rose

To Be Added...

Superior Super Saiyan Rose

To Be Added...


Not all Superior Saiyans are born with the need to fight as only those with extremely high Ki levels seem to be, this makes the others with lower levels very civil. Warrior-types are frequently seen training when they're not fighting, improving their skills. They possess extremely high fighting potential.


The Superior Saiyans create and manufacture their own unique kind of armor, designed especially for themselves. These armors, though similar, signify the rankings of a Superior Saiyan within their society and each one deserving of this particular status.

Squadmen Armor

These Saiyans possess a back spandex-like material beneath their armor with the males having their sleeves lengthened to their wrists while the females only have it to their shoulders. On top of this material, they have a cyan and gold-colored armor on their chest and back with a silvery metal connecting the two plates on the shoulders. They possess a blue belt that is wrapped around their waist with a bag on their sides for medical needs. They have cyan-colored knee guards and high boots of the same color with the tip being black in color.

Elites Armor

The Elites possess the same armor but are required to wear a black coat on top of it. The sleeves reach down to their wrists and the length of the coat reaches down to their knees. The inside has a brown fur of an unknown animal but is presumed to be gained through trading with the Eclipsed Saiyan. The Elites are also given a specialized sword given by the Eclipsed Saiyan, this weapon can be seen at their waste side or back.

Special Corps./Galactic Army 

This armor is given to the special team of Saiyans that directly fight against the Remnants alongside the Eclipsed Saiyans. Just as the Elites, they are given a special coat to signify their ranking. The coat is crimson and is shaped the same the Elites with the exception being that the coat is wider and reaches down to their ankles, as well as there, is a wide opening in the front in order to increase mobility. They have short black boots with a golden tip that only barely reaches their coat. They too also possess a specialized sword given to them by the Eclipsed Saiyans.

Industry Kings

Unlike the other protection items, this one doesn't defend against battle damage but instead laboratory damage. The Industry Kings are given the coat as a symbol of their hard work in science and unlike the other positions this one isn't required to be filled and can go years without anyone claiming this title, this position also isn't limited to the number and can have any number of Saiyans with this position. In appearance, this looks like other coats but blue in color but the differences don't end there. The coat's collar around their necks is shaped distinctly differently and is created of a different material. They possess white short boots with a golden tip and grey gloves on their hands. The coat has a kanji on the left side of their coat, above their chest of their last names.


Teleportation Units

Superior Saiyans don't possess space-pods like their modern-day counterparts and instead use highly advanced teleportation units created by their scientists. Despite being highly sophisticated machinery it does have its limits. An individual can only be transported to another teleportation unit.

Scout Ships

Small ships used to scout out unknown areas.


They possess a moderated healing factor. This is unknown as to why but has nearly been overcome as their scientists have nearly cracked the formula for what they are calling, "Regeneration Fluid".


After many years of living on Ishfu, which possess no moons, the Superior Saiyans eventually lost the need for a tail. This isn't the only time that they evolved and many years later forced themselves to evolve by use of science which coined the name that they go by now, Superior Saiyan.

List of Superior Saiyans

Unofficial Superior Saiyans

  • Yamcha