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"Those humans told us, during their time on our sacred planet, how frustrated they were with having to depend on the Saiyans to protect their world. They had the Kaio-ken, but even that technique has limitations. Those that are naturally built into mortal bodies. But what if those limits were broken? I used my ritual in order to prepare them for this tournament, and due to that, this technique was brought forth. The ultimate expression of Human potential." |
Ultimate Kaio-ken (Saiko no Kaioken) is a technique developed and used in the fan-fiction series, Dragon Ball Redux, by applying the Old Kai's unlock ability on someone who has learned the Kaioken technique. As the Old Kai's ability not only brings out a fighter's dormant potential to its highest degree, it also amplifies the degree of the fighter's technique(s). Thus, the Kaioken's multiplication levels are boosted even further, as the user's physical capabilities are also boosted by the same degree as their body is accustomed to under the Kaioken's effects. The effects of the technique depend on the latent ability of the person undergoing the ritual, as some fighters have more dormant potential than others.
While using this technique, the user's appearance doesn't undergo any significant changes. However, the user's physical abilities far exceed anything they are capable of in their normal state, and even surpassing what they are capable of when using the Super Kaioken technique. The user's muscles become denser and more pronounced as if brimming with power, and even the tendons in their body become significantly stronger. Their senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch are all equally affected, granting the user beyond superhuman capabilities. As such, while using this technique, the user doesn't just see a tremendous boost to their ki, but even to their own physical body, which is strengthened to such a degree that all drawbacks to the Kaio-ken technique are virtually eliminated. This enables the user to utilize the technique for as long as they are capable, without suffering any ill effects.
When the technique is employed, the user's body becomes surrounded by a vivid white aura very similar to that of Gohan's Ultimate, or Potential Unleashed, form. However, a key difference in the user's aura is that it is surrounded by numerous crimson bolts of energy, not at all different from that of the Super Saiyan 2 and 3 transformations. The user's mental state is affected as well, as they become noticeably calmer, yet also fully confident in their abilities. Upon achieving this technique, and using it for the first time, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, and Chiaotzu are all stunned at first by the power they are able to generate. A feeling also shared by the Supreme Kai, Shin, and his attendant Kibito. Afterward, upon being wished good luck in the Tournament of Power, the group show tremendous belief in their newfound ability, stating with full confidence that not only will they survive the tournament, but they will win too. Goku and the others also notice this change in demeanor, as 18 remarks that she's never seen Krillin so at ease before a fight, and Goku expressing excitement at their increased chance for victory.
Usage and Power[]
While sitting in the meditative position during the ritual, each of the Z-warriors engage in image training, mentally fortifying themselves by battling various old villains, while simultaneously refining their skills and further boosting their power. This increase is so great, that the Old Kai states that their strength was magnified to a far greater degree than he thought they were originally capable. Though their base potential, once fully released, is still much lower than Gohan's. The power generated by the Ultimate Kaioken was stated to rival that of the Super Saiyan 2 transformation, multiplying the user's ki by a hundred-fold. This, when combined with the substantial boost they receive from the Old Kai's unlock ability, results in a tremendous boost of power. Thus, the technique's true power is brought forth when the human Z-fighters merge the Ultimate state gained from the Elder Kai's potential unleashed ritual, with the various multipliers of the Kaioken in order to provide tremendously higher boosts, leading to stronger variations of the Kaioken.
After seeing them use this technique for the first time, both Old Kai and Shin remark on the humans' newfound strength, with Shin stating how any of them would've been fully capable of defeating Majin Buu, even while in the monster's transformed states. The group later are able to refine this technique further, by retraining themselves in the spirit control training they had learned while training on Planet Yardrat, while in the Room of Spirit and Time. After only half a day in the room, two at a time, the group emerge having complete control over the technique, becoming able to use the technique to maximum efficiency.
During Goku's recruitment of fighters for the Tournament of Power, Tien shows off this technique in a team battle with Goku against Gohan and Piccolo, who had both been training with each other, and had each managed to obtain his own god form (Gohan possessing the SSG transformation, and Piccolo displaying his own potential unleashed state, the Ultimate Namekian transformation). Yamcha also uses it, when he's confronted by Vegeta, who had been sent by Beerus and Goku to recruit the martial artist. Due to this technique's power, Yamcha is actually able to keep up with each of the Saiyan Prince's SSJ transformations, and even inflict injury on the Saiyan before he is ultimately defeated by Vegeta's SSB transformation.
Power increase:[]
Ultimate Kaioken - 150x user's base power
Ultimate Kaioken x2 - 200x user's base power
Ultimate Kaioken x4 - 400x user's base power
Ultimate Kaioken x5 - 500x user's base power
Ultimate Kaioken x10 - 1,000x user's base power
Ultimate Kaioken x20 - 2,000x user's base power